Heydenreich A (2021)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: De Gruyter
Edited Volumes: Physics and Literature. Concepts – Transfer – Aestheticization
Series: Literatur- und Naturwissenschaften
City/Town: Berlin, Boston
Book Volume: 3
Pages Range: 105-138
URI: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110481112-004/html
DOI: 10.1515/9783110481112-004
Now that in the first paper I have analysed the functions of epistemic narrativity for the process of scientific modeling in the follow up paper the analytical perspective will change gears and focus on the semiologic practices of scientific modeling as well as their epistemic functions for the development of Einstein’s special theory of relativity. The interformative process, described here can only be understood when multiple levels of modeling are differentiated. We must therefore distinguish three levels of modeling: primary, secondary and tertiary. In order to describe this process of three-fold modeling, I first turn to Einstein’s 1936 text “Physics and Reality,” which presents a metareflection of epistemic practices in theoretical physics. From this it will become clear that it is necessary to distinguish the modeling levels, because each level comprises its own possibilities and restrictions. This differentiation hopefully leads to a better understanding of theoretical modeling in physics from the point of view of literary studies. In the second part of the paper I focus on the process of interformation in physics and discuss the development of the theory of special relativity from a systematical perspective.
Heydenreich, A. (2021). Albert Einstein's "Physics and Reality" and "The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies": The Process of Interformation, Semiologic Foundations and Epistemic Transformations (Part II). In Aura Heydenreich, Klaus Mecke (Eds.), Physics and Literature. Concepts – Transfer – Aestheticization. (pp. 105-138). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
Heydenreich, Aura. "Albert Einstein's "Physics and Reality" and "The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies": The Process of Interformation, Semiologic Foundations and Epistemic Transformations (Part II)." Physics and Literature. Concepts – Transfer – Aestheticization. Ed. Aura Heydenreich, Klaus Mecke, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. 105-138.
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