Neue Klassifikation epileptischer Anfälle: Eine kritische Bewertung der Änderungen

Schulze-Bonhage A, Hamer H, Krämer G (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


DOI: 10.1007/s00115-019-00800-3


In the new classification of epileptic seizures by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), a multitude of changes are recommended particularly for seizures of focal origin. In addition to aspects of the nomenclature, this involves the introduction of different levels of classification with respect to the state of consciousness and the evolution to a bilateral tonic-clonic seizure, the inclusion of the first semiological seizure element in the classification and a new operationalization of the state of consciousness. This leads partly to specification in the description but in some areas also to counterintuitive changes in the classification. The advantages and disadvantages of this reorganization for the clinical practice are critically discussed with reference to the most important modifications.

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How to cite


Schulze-Bonhage, A., Hamer, H., & Krämer, G. (2019). Neue Klassifikation epileptischer Anfälle: Eine kritische Bewertung der Änderungen. Der Nervenarzt.


Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas, Hajo Hamer, and Günter Krämer. "Neue Klassifikation epileptischer Anfälle: Eine kritische Bewertung der Änderungen." Der Nervenarzt (2019).

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