Dehydrogenation of the liquid organic hydrogen carrier system 2-methylindole/2-methylindoline/2-methyloctahydroindole on Pt(111)

Bachmann P, Steinhauer J, Späth F, Düll F, Bauer U, Eschenbacher R, Hemauer F, Scheuermeyer M, Bösmann A, Büttner M, Neiß C, Görling A, Wasserscheid P, Steinrück HP, Papp C (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 151

Pages Range: 144711-

Journal Issue: 14

DOI: 10.1063/1.5112835


Among other N-heterocycles, indole and its substituted derivatives, such as methylindoles, are considered promising Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) for the storage of renewable energy. We used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), temperature programmed desorption (TPD), and density-functional theory (DFT) to investigate the low temperature adsorption and consecutive dehydrogenation reaction during heating of 2-methylindole, 2-methylindoline, and 2-methyloctahydroindole on Pt(111) and their viability as the LOHC system. In the photoemission experiments, for all Hx-2-methylindoles, we find deprotonation at the NH bond starting between 240 and 300 K, resulting in a 2-methylindolide species. Simultaneously or before this reaction step, the dehydrogenation of 2-methyloctahydroindole via 2-methylindoline and 2-methylindole intermediates is observed. For 2-methyloctahydroindole, we also find π-allyl intermediates above 230 K. Starting at ∼390 K, decomposition of the remaining 2-methylindolide species takes place under the conditions of our surface science experiments. DFT calculations give insight into the relative energies of the various species, reaction intermediates, and their isomers both in the gas phase and on the Pt(111) surface.

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How to cite


Bachmann, P., Steinhauer, J., Späth, F., Düll, F., Bauer, U., Eschenbacher, R.,... Papp, C. (2019). Dehydrogenation of the liquid organic hydrogen carrier system 2-methylindole/2-methylindoline/2-methyloctahydroindole on Pt(111). Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(14), 144711-.


Bachmann, Philipp, et al. "Dehydrogenation of the liquid organic hydrogen carrier system 2-methylindole/2-methylindoline/2-methyloctahydroindole on Pt(111)." Journal of Chemical Physics 151.14 (2019): 144711-.

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