MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray results on unassociated HAWC sources

Ahnen ML, Ansoldi S, Antonelli LA, Arcaro C, Baack D, Babic A, Banerjee B, Bangale P, Barres De Almeida U, Barrio JA, Becerra Gonzalez J, Bednarek W, Bernardini E, Berse RC, Berti A, Bhattacharyya W, Biland A, Blanch O, Bonnoli G, Carosi R, Carosi A, Ceribella G, Chatterjee A, Colak SM, Colin P, Colombo E, Contreras JL, Cortina J, Covino S, Cumani P, Da Vela P, Dazzi F, De Angelis A, De Lotto B, Delfino M, Delgado J, Di Pierro F, Dominguez A, Prester DD, Dorner D, Doro M, Einecke S, Elsaesser D, Ramazani VF, Fernandez-Barra A, Fidalgo D, Fonseca MV, Font L, Fruck C, Galindo D, Garcia Lopez RJ, Garczarczyk M, Gaug M, Giammaria P, Godinovic N, Gora D, Guberman D, Hadasch D, Hahn A, Hassan T, Hayashida M, Herrera J, Hose J, Hrupec D, Ishio K, Konno Y, Kubo H, Kushida J, Kuvezdic D, Lelas D, Lindfors E, Lombardi S, Longo F, Lopez M, Maggio C, Majumdar P, Makariev M, Maneva G, Manganaro M, Mannheim K, Maraschi L, Mariotti M, Martinez M, Masuda S, Mazin D, Mielke K, Minev M, Miranda JM, Mirzoyan R, Moralejo A, Moreno V, Moretti E, Nagayoshi T, Neustroev V, Niedzwiecki A, Nievas Rosillo M, Nigro C, Nilsson K, Ninci D, Nishijima K, Noda K, Nogues L, Paiano S, Palacio J, Paneque D, Paoletti R, Paredes JM, Pedaletti G, Peresano M, Persic M, Moroni PGP, F'Randini E, Puljak I, Garcia JR, Reichardt I, Rhode W, Ribo M, Rico J, Righi C, Rugliancich A, Saito T, Satalecka K, Schweizer T, Sitarek J, Snidaric I, Sobczynska D, Stamerra A, Strzys M, Suric T, Takahashi M, Takalo L, Tavecchio F, Temnikov PP, Terzic T, Teshima M, Torres-Alba N, Treves A, Tsujimoto S, Vanzo G, Vazquez Acosta M, Vovk I, Ward JE, Will M, Zaric D, Albert A, Alfaro R, Alvarez C, Arceo R, Arteaga-Velazquez JC, Avila Rojas D, Solares HAA, Becerri A, Behnont-Moreno E, Benzvi SY, Berna A, Braun J, Caballero-Mora KS, Capistran T, Carraminana A, Casanova S, Castillo M, Cotti U, Cotzomi J, Coutino De Leon S, De Leon C, De La Fuente E, Diaz Hernandez R, Dichiara S, Dingus BL, Duvernois MA, Diaz-Velez JC, Ellsworth RW, Engel K, Enriquez-Rivera O, Fiorino DW, Fleischhack H, Fraija N, Garcia-Gonzalez JA, Garfias F, Gonzalez-Munoz A, Gonzalez MM, Goodman JA, Hampel-Arias Z, Harding JP, Hernandez S, Hueyotl-Zahuantitla F, Hui CM, Huntemeyer P, Iriarte A, Jardin-Blicq A, Joshi V, Kaufmann S, Lara A, Lauer RJ, Lee WH, Lennarz D, Leon Vargas H, Linnemann JT, Longinotti AL, Luis-Raya G, Luna-Garcia R, Lopez-Coto R, Malone K, Marinelli SS, Martinez O, Martinez-Castellanos I, Martinez-Castro J, Martinez-Huerta H, Matthews JA, Miranda-Romagnoli P, Moreno E, Mostafa M, Nayerhoda A, Nellen L, Newbold M, Nisa MU, Noriega-Papaqui R, Pelayo R, Pretz J, Perez-Perez EG, Ren Z, Rho CD, Riviere C, Rosa-Gonzalez D, Rosenberg M, Ruiz-Velasco E, Greus FS, Sandoval A, Schneider M, Arroyo MS, Sinnis G, Smith AJ, Springer RW, Surajbali P, Taboada I, Tibolla O, Tollefson K, Torres I, Ukwatta TN, Vianello G, Villasenor L, Werner F, Westerhoff S, Wood J, Yapici T, Yodh G, Zepeda A, Zhou H, Alvarez JD, Ajello M, Baldini L, Barbiellini G, Berenji B, Bissaldi E, Blandford RD, Bonino R, Bottacini E, Brandt TJ, Bregeon J, Brue P, Cameron RA, Caputo R, Caraveo PA, Castro D, Cavazzuti E, Chiaro G, Ciprini S, Costantin D, D'Ammando F, De Palma F, Desai A, Di Lalla N, Di Mauro M, Di Venere L, Dominguez A, Favuzzi C, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Gasparrini D, Giglietto N, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Glanzman T, Green D, Grenier IA, Guiriec S, Harding AK, Hays E, Hewitt JW, Horan D, Johannesson G, Kuss M, Larsson S, Liodakis I, Longo F, Loparco F, Lubrano P, Magill JD, Maldera S, Manfreda A, Mazziotta MN, Mereu I, Michelson RF, Mizuno T, Monzani ME, Morselli A, Moskalenko IV, Negro M, Nuss E, Omodei N, Orienti M, Orlando E, Ormes JF, Palatiello M, Paliya VS, Persic M, Pesce-Rollins M, Petrosian V, Piron F, Porter TA, Principe G, Raino S, Rani B, Razzano M, Razzaque S, Reimer A, Reimer O, Sgro C, Siskind EJ, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Tajima H, Takahashi M, Thayer JB, Thompson DJ, Torres DF, Torresi E, Troja E, Valverde J, Wood K, Yassine M (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 485

Pages Range: 356-366

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz089


The HAWC Collaboration released the 2HWC catalogue of TeV sources, in which 19 show no association with any known high-energy (HE; E ≳ 10 GeV) or very-high-energy (VHE; E ≳ 300 GeV) sources. This catalogue motivated follow-up studies by both the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) and Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope) observatories with the aim of investigating gamma-ray emission over a broad energy band. In this paper, we report the results from the first joint work between High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC), MAGIC, and Fermi-LAT on three unassociated HAWC sources: 2HWC J2006+341, 2HWC J1907+084∗, and 2HWC J1852+013∗. Although no significant detection was found in the HE and VHE regimes, this investigation shows that a minimum 1° extension (at 95 per cent confidence level) and harder spectrum in the GeV than the one extrapolated from HAWC results are required in the case of 2HWC J1852+013∗, whilst a simply minimum extension of 0.16° (at 95 per cent confidence level) can already explain the scenario proposed by HAWC for the remaining sources. Moreover, the hypothesis that these sources are pulsar wind nebulae is also investigated in detail.

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How to cite


Ahnen, M.L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L.A., Arcaro, C., Baack, D., Babic, A.,... Yassine, M. (2019). MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray results on unassociated HAWC sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 356-366.


Ahnen, M. L., et al. "MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray results on unassociated HAWC sources." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485.1 (2019): 356-366.

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