Burger M, Föcke L, Nickel L, Jung P, Augustin S (2019)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2019
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Edited Volumes: Compressed Sensing and Its Applications
Series: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis
Pages Range: 263-290
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73074-5_9
The aim of this paper is to discuss some advanced aspects of image reconstruction in single-pixel cameras, focusing in particular on detectors in the THz regime. We discuss the reconstruction problem from a computational imaging perspective and provide a comparison of the effects of several state-of-the-art regularization techniques. Moreover, we focus on some advanced aspects arising in practice with THz cameras, which lead to nonlinear reconstruction problems: the calibration of the beam reminiscent of the Retinex problem in imaging and phase recovery problems. Finally, we provide an outlook to future challenges in the area.
Burger, M., Föcke, L., Nickel, L., Jung, P., & Augustin, S. (2019). Reconstruction Methods in THz Single-Pixel Imaging. In Holger Boche, Giuseppe Caire, Robert Calderbank, Gitta Kutyniok, Rudolf Mathar, Philipp Petersen (Eds.), Compressed Sensing and Its Applications. (pp. 263-290). Springer International Publishing.
Burger, Martin, et al. "Reconstruction Methods in THz Single-Pixel Imaging." Compressed Sensing and Its Applications. Ed. Holger Boche, Giuseppe Caire, Robert Calderbank, Gitta Kutyniok, Rudolf Mathar, Philipp Petersen, Springer International Publishing, 2019. 263-290.
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