Intuitive Interaction with Virtual Commissioning of Production Systems for Design Validation

Metzner M, Krieg L, Merhof J, Ködel T, Franke J (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 84

Pages Range: 892-895

Volume: 84

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.08.004


As industrial production system complexity increases, digital planning and virtual commissioning become critical steps in the design validation phase of automated production systems. Virtual commissioning is used to test system behavior and control logic based on a simulation model. In this paper, we introduce a concept for facilitating non-expert interaction with such systems to further extend the applicability of virtual commissioning to the sectors of employee or customer training, hybrid system analysis and safety validation. A stereographic camera system is used to track the hands of the operator and implement them into a physics-integrated simulation environment. Hence, the operator is able to manually interact with the running virtual system at real time. The implemented system is evaluated for intuitiveness compared to a classical mouse and keyboard setup. The results show potential for the system to facilitate the non-expert interaction with advanced simulation environments.

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How to cite


Metzner, M., Krieg, L., Merhof, J., Ködel, T., & Franke, J. (2019). Intuitive Interaction with Virtual Commissioning of Production Systems for Design Validation. Procedia CIRP, 84, 892-895.


Metzner, Maximilian, et al. "Intuitive Interaction with Virtual Commissioning of Production Systems for Design Validation." Procedia CIRP 84 (2019): 892-895.

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