Leitz KH, Otto A (2008)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2008
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Book Volume: 4
Pages Range: 153-156
Conference Proceedings Title: Proceedings of the 11th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming
Journal Issue: 11
DOI: 10.1007/s12289-008-0014-3
Aluminium-Foam-Sandwich (AFS) is, because of its high stiffness and good damping properties, a material with great potential for light-weight applications. However, the forming properties of unfoamed AFS precursor material are very poor at room temperature. The formation of cracks at the TiH 2 grains of the foaming agent leads to a refractory failure of the material. Yet by the change to elevated forming temperatures the core material becomes more and more ductile and the achievable degree of deformation can be significantly improved. The forming operation shows a great influence on the subsequent foaming process so that the compliance of certain construction guidelines is necessary. © Springer/ESAFORM 2008.
Leitz, K.-H., & Otto, A. (2008). Forming of AFS-Tailored Blanks at Elevated Temperatures. In ESAFORM (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming (pp. 153-156). Paris, FR: Springer Verlag.
Leitz, Karl-Heinz, and Andreas Otto. "Forming of AFS-Tailored Blanks at Elevated Temperatures." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 11th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Paris Ed. ESAFORM, Springer Verlag, 2008. 153-156.
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