Jahrsdörfer B, Eßer G, Geiger M, Govekar E (2003)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2003
Publisher: SPIE
Book Volume: 4977
Pages Range: 518-529
Conference Proceedings Title: Proceedings of SPIE: Photon Processing in Microelectronics II
Event location: Bellingham, USA
DOI: 10.1117/12.479576
"Laser Droplet Welding" is an innovative joining technology. The welding is realised by a laser generated liquid metal droplet which is deposited onto the parts to be joined. The raw material is a metal wire. In conventional laser welding a gap between the parts worsens the quality of the laser welded joint substantially. Contrarily a droplet offers sufficient material to bridge gaps. Even different gap sizes can be bridged by a suitable selection of the droplet size. A further advantage is the controllable heat transfer, only given by the heat content of a single drop that is sufficient to produce a high-temperature weld. The droplet heating provides the opportunity to weld small devices, thin coatings and even heat sensitive components without negative influence on their mechanical and electrical function. It is also possible to interconnect different materials by the addition of material supplied in form of drops. With the Laser Droplet Weld it is furthermore possible to join high reflective materials. This article describes the process and the system technology as well as achieved results. It will mainly focus on the droplet detachment which influences the complete process, e. g. the heat quantity or weld splashes.
Jahrsdörfer, B., Eßer, G., Geiger, M., & Govekar, E. (2003). Laser Droplet Weld: An Innovative Joining Technology opens new applications possibilities. In Pique, A.; Sugioka, K.; Herman, P.R.; Fieret, J.; Bachmann, F.G.; Dubowski, J.J.; Hoving, W.; Washio, K.; Geohegan, D.B.; Trägler, F.; Murakami, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Photon Processing in Microelectronics II (pp. 518-529). Bellingham, USA: SPIE.
Jahrsdörfer, Bernd, et al. "Laser Droplet Weld: An Innovative Joining Technology opens new applications possibilities." Proceedings of the Proceedings of SPIE: Photon Processing in Microelectronics II, Bellingham, USA Ed. Pique, A.; Sugioka, K.; Herman, P.R.; Fieret, J.; Bachmann, F.G.; Dubowski, J.J.; Hoving, W.; Washio, K.; Geohegan, D.B.; Trägler, F.; Murakami, K., SPIE, 2003. 518-529.
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