Heinle M, Frey P, Merklein M, Drummer D (2018)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2018
Book Volume: 14
Pages Range: 211-232
Journal Issue: 3
The increasing number of electronics in several industrial sectors leads to a rising demand for flexible and adaptable electronic systems with high functional density and resilience. An efficient method for producing such parts is the encapsulation of metal inserts, for example lead frames, by means of assembly injection molding. Here one major challenge is to provide electronics with durable media tightness in a severe environment. The research work covered in this paper focuses on the influence of micro formed edges of metal inserts on the durability of tightness during temperature cycling.
Heinle, M., Frey, P., Merklein, M., & Drummer, D. (2018). Einfluss mikrogeformter Kanten an Metalleinlegern auf die Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit mediendichter Kunststoff-Metall-Hybriden. Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik, 14(3), 211-232. https://doi.org/10.3139/o999.03032018
Heinle, Martina, et al. "Einfluss mikrogeformter Kanten an Metalleinlegern auf die Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit mediendichter Kunststoff-Metall-Hybriden." Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 14.3 (2018): 211-232.
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