Fuzzy dynamics of multibody systems with polymorphic uncertainty in the material microstructure

Pivovarov D, Hahn V, Steinmann P, Willner K, Leyendecker S (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 64

Pages Range: 1601-1619

DOI: 10.1007/s00466-019-01737-9


This paper deals with the fuzzy dynamics of multibody systems with polymorphic uncertainty in the material microstructure. Macroscopic material properties are obtained using fuzzy-stochastic FEM based computational homogenization. In particular, the spectral stochastic local FEM is utilized to simulate a representative volume element of the microstructure. Forward dynamics of the macroscopic system is modeled using the Graph Follower algorithm. Thereby we propagate the uncertainty from the lowest level of material microstructure to the highest level of multibody dynamics. Differences in the propagation of epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties to the macroscale and their influence on the multibody dynamics are discussed. A particular example of a multibody system used in this paper is a multistory frame, whereby the considered heterogeneous material is a cement-based concrete.

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How to cite


Pivovarov, D., Hahn, V., Steinmann, P., Willner, K., & Leyendecker, S. (2019). Fuzzy dynamics of multibody systems with polymorphic uncertainty in the material microstructure. Computational Mechanics, 64, 1601-1619. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-019-01737-9


Pivovarov, Dmytro, et al. "Fuzzy dynamics of multibody systems with polymorphic uncertainty in the material microstructure." Computational Mechanics 64 (2019): 1601-1619.

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