Fritsch HU, Bergmann HW (1989)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 1989
Publisher: Sprechsaal Verlag
Pages Range: 89-110
Fritsch, H.U., & Bergmann, H.W. (1989). Influence of the Carbon Diffusion During Laser Transformation Hardening - Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification. In H. W. Bergmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eur. Sci. Laser Workshop on Math. Sim. (pp. 89-110). Lissabon, PT: Sprechsaal Verlag.
Fritsch, H. U., and Hans Wilhelm Bergmann. "Influence of the Carbon Diffusion During Laser Transformation Hardening - Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification." Proceedings of the Eur. Sci. Laser Workshop on Math. Sim., Lissabon Ed. H. W. Bergmann, Sprechsaal Verlag, 1989. 89-110.
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