Manipulating the Interferon Signaling Pathway: Implications for HIV Infection

Nganou-Makamdop K, Douek DC (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 34

Pages Range: 192-196

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1007/s12250-019-00085-5


During human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, type I interferon (IFN-I) signaling induces an antiviral state that includes the production of restriction factors that inhibit virus replication, thereby limiting the infection. As seen in other viral infections, type I IFN can also increase systemic immune activation which, in HIV disease, is one of the strongest predictors of disease progression to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and non-AIDS morbidity and mortality. Moreover, IFN-I is associated with CD4 T cell depletion and attenuation of antigen-specific T cell responses. Therefore, therapeutic manipulation of IFN-I signaling to improve HIV disease outcome is a source of much interest and debate in the field. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of timing (acute vs. chronic infection) and have suggested that specific targeting of type I IFNs and their subtypes may help harness the beneficial roles of the IFN-I system while avoiding its deleterious activities.

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How to cite


Nganou-Makamdop, K., & Douek, D.C. (2019). Manipulating the Interferon Signaling Pathway: Implications for HIV Infection. Virologica Sinica, 34(2), 192-196.


Nganou-Makamdop, Krystelle, and Daniel C. Douek. "Manipulating the Interferon Signaling Pathway: Implications for HIV Infection." Virologica Sinica 34.2 (2019): 192-196.

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