Experience with 102 Frameless Stereotactic Biopsies Using the neuromate Robotic Device

Yasid H, Hoff HJ, Blümcke I, Simon M (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 123

Pages Range: E450-E456

DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.11.187


OBJECTIVE: Stereotactic biopsy is a standard procedure in neurosurgery. In addition to or even replacing frame-based stereotaxy, some centers also use frameless imaging-based techniques and more recently robotic systems. Here we report a retrospective analysis of our experience with 102 consecutive biopsies performed in our institution using the neuromate robotic device.

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How to cite


Yasid, H., Hoff, H.-J., Blümcke, I., & Simon, M. (2019). Experience with 102 Frameless Stereotactic Biopsies Using the neuromate Robotic Device. World Neurosurgery, 123, E450-E456. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2018.11.187


Yasid, Hamzah, et al. "Experience with 102 Frameless Stereotactic Biopsies Using the neuromate Robotic Device." World Neurosurgery 123 (2019): E450-E456.

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