Fully Resolved Simulation of Suspensions - Potential and Limitations

Rüde U (2018)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution

Publication year: 2018

Event location: Delhi IN

URI: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ulrich_Ruede/publication/328073453_Fully_Resolved_Simulation_of_Suspensions_-_Potential_and_Limitations/links/5bb61cbd92851c192d0afc1a/Fully-Resolved-Simulation-of-Suspensions-Potential-and-Limitations.pdf?origin=publication_detail


Supercomputers of then next decade will reach exascale, i.e. they will be able to perform 10^18 arithmetic operations per second. Thus, if a suspension consisted of a billion (10^9) particles, and if we employ 1000 mesh cells for the fluid around each particle, the flow simulation must handle a trillion (10^12) cells. But even for such a large and detailed scenario, an exascale computer can still perform a MegaFlops (10^6 operations) for each such fluid cell and in each second. Recall that a MegaFlops was the performance of a high end personal computer in 1990. To exploit the potential created by such enormous compute power we will need novel modeling techniques, fundamentally new simulation methods, and highly parallel algorithms that are suitable for these modern supercomputer systems. Besides illuminating the potential of large-scale particle-resolved simulations on supercomputers, this talk will also expose the limitations and pitfalls.

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How to cite


Rüde, U. (2018). Fully Resolved Simulation of Suspensions - Potential and Limitations. In Proceedings of the Advanced Measurements and Multiscale CFD Simulations for Intensification of Multiphase Flow Processes. Delhi, IN.


Rüde, Ulrich. "Fully Resolved Simulation of Suspensions - Potential and Limitations." Proceedings of the Advanced Measurements and Multiscale CFD Simulations for Intensification of Multiphase Flow Processes, Delhi 2018.

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