Rüde U (2018)
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Publication year: 2018
Event location: Tokyo
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28279.93600
We will present parallel lattice Boltzmann methods for pore-scale resolved flows, analysing their efficiency and accuracy. As an advanced application scenario we will show results for simulating a powder based 3D printing process where each grain is geometrically resolved.
Rüde, U. (2018, March). Parallel LBM Methods for Pore Scale Resolved Complex Flows. Paper presentation at SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scienti!c Computing (PP18), Tokyo.
Rüde, Ulrich. "Parallel LBM Methods for Pore Scale Resolved Complex Flows." Presented at SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scienti!c Computing (PP18), Tokyo 2018.
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