Franosch T, Lang S, Schilling R (2012)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2012
Book Volume: 109
Journal Issue: 24
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.240601
For extremely confined fluids with a two-dimensional density n in slit geometry of an accessible width L, we prove that in the limit L$i̊ghtarrow$0, the lateral and transversal degrees of freedom decouple, and the latter become ideal-gas-like. For a small wall separation, the transverse degrees of freedom can be integrated out and renormalize the interaction potential. We identify nL2 as the hidden smallness parameter of the confinement problem and evaluate the effective two-body potential analytically, which allows calculating the leading correction to the free energy exactly. Explicitly, we map a fluid of hard spheres in extreme confinement onto a 2D fluid of disks with an effective hard-core diameter and a soft boundary layer. Two-dimensional phase transitions are robust and the transition point experiences a shift O(nL2).
Franosch, T., Lang, S., & Schilling, R. (2012). Fluids in Extreme Confinement. Physical Review Letters, 109(24).
Franosch, Thomas, Simon Lang, and Rolf Schilling. "Fluids in Extreme Confinement." Physical Review Letters 109.24 (2012).
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