Gallas J (2016)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2016
Book Volume: 6
Pages Range: 561-567
DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2016.08.005
We report an algorithm to extract equations of motion for orbits of arbitrarily high periods generated by iteration of the Pincherle map, the operational kernel used in the so-called chaotic computers. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated explicitly by extracting expeditiously, among others, an orbit buried inside a polynomial cluster of equations with degree exceeding one billion, out of reach by ordinary brute-force factorization. Large polynomial clusters are responsible for the organization of the phase-space and knowledge of this organization requires decomposing such clusters.
Gallas, J. (2016). Method for extracting arbitrarily large orbital equations of the Pincherle map. Results in Physics, 6, 561-567.
Gallas, Jason. "Method for extracting arbitrarily large orbital equations of the Pincherle map." Results in Physics 6 (2016): 561-567.
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