Adlarson P, Augustyniak W, Bardan W, Bashkanov M, Bergmann FS, Berlowski M, Bondar A, Buescher M, Calen H, Ciepal I, Clement H, Czerwinski E, Demmich K, Engels R, Erven A, Erven W, Eyrich W, Fedorets P, Foehl K, Fransson K, Goldenbaum F, Goswami A, Grigoryev K, Heijkenskjoeld L, Hejny V, Huesken N, Jarczyk L, Johansson T, Kamys B, Kemmerling G, Khoukaz A, Khreptak O, Kirillov DA, Kistryn S, Kleines H, Klos B, Krzemien W, Kulessa P, Kupsc A, Lalwani K, Lersch D, Lorentz B, Magiera A, Maier R, Marciniewski P, Marianski B, Morsch HP, Moskal P, Ohm H, Parol W, Del Rio EP, Piskunov NM, Prasuhn D, Pszczel D, Pysz K, Ritman J, Roy A, Rudy Z, Rundel O, Sawant S, Schadmand S, Schatti-Ozerianska I, Sefzick T, Serdyuk V, Shwartz B, Skorodko T, Skurzok M, Smyrski J, Sopov V, Stassen R, Stepaniak J, Stephan E, Sterzenbach G, Stockhorst H, Stroeher H, Szczurek A, Trzcinski A, Wolke M, Wronska A, Wuestner P, Yamamoto A, Zabierowski J, Zielinski MJ, Zlomanczuk J, Zupranski P, Zurek M (2019)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2019
Book Volume: 99
Article Number: 025201
Journal Issue: 2
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.025201
The quasifree pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) reaction has been measured by means of pd collisions at T-p = 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY enabling exclusive and kinematically complete measurements. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted for the energy region T-p = 1.08-1.36 GeV (root s = 2.35-2.46 GeV) covering thus the regions of N* (1440 ) and Delta(1232)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange as well as isospin relations based on the pp -> pp pi(0)pi(0) data underpredict substantially the measured total cross section. The calculations are also at variance with specific experimental differential cross sections. An isotensor Delta N dibaryon resonance with I(J(P)) = 2(1(+) ) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies. Such a dibaryon was predicted by Dyson and Xuong [Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 815 (1964)] and more recently calculated by A. Gal and H. Garcilazo [Nucl. Phys. A 928, 73 (2014)].
Adlarson, P., Augustyniak, W., Bardan, W., Bashkanov, M., Bergmann, F.S., Berlowski, M.,... Zurek, M. (2019). Examination of the production of an isotensor dibaryon in the pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) reaction. Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 99(2).
Adlarson, P., et al. "Examination of the production of an isotensor dibaryon in the pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) reaction." Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 99.2 (2019).
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