Surface Area Characterization of Obliquely Deposited Metal Oxide Nanostructured Thin Films.

Krause KM, Taschuk MT, Harris KD, Rider DA, Wakefield NG, Sit JC, Buriak JM, Thommes M, Brett MJ (2010)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Subtype: other

Publication year: 2010


Publisher: American Chemical Society

Book Volume: 26

Pages Range: 4368-4376

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1021/la903444e


The glancing angle deposition (GLAD) technique is used to fabricate nanostructured thin films with high surface area. Quantifying this property is important for optimizing GLAD-based device performance. The group used high-sensitivity krypton gas adsorption and the complementary technique of cyclic voltammetry to measure surface area as a function of deposition angle, thickness, and morphol. characteristics for several metal oxide thin films. The authors studied amorphous titanium dioxide (TiO2), amorphous silicon dioxide (SiO2), and polycryst. indium tin oxide (ITO) nanostructures with vertical and helical post morphologies over a range of oblique deposition angles from 0 to 86°. Krypton gas sorption isotherms, evaluated using the Brunauer-Emmettt-Teller (BET) method, revealed max. surface area enhancements of 880 ± 110, 980 ± 125, and 210 ± 30 times the footprint area (equivalently 300 ± 40, 570 ± 70, and 50 ± 6 m2/g) for vertical posts TiO2, SiO2, and ITO. The authors also applied the cyclic voltammetry technique to these ITO films and obsd. the same overall trends as seen with the BET method. The authors applied the BET method to the measurement of helical films and found that the surface area trend was shifted with respect to that of vertical post films. This revealed the important influence of the substrate rotation rate and film morphol. on surface properties. Finally, the surface area scales linearly with film thickness, with slopes of 730 ± 35 to 235 ± 10 m2/(m2- μm) found for titania vertical post films deposited at angles from 70 to 85°. This characterization effort will allow for the optimization of solar, photonic, and sensing devices fabricated from thin metal oxide films using GLAD. [on SciFinder(R)]

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How to cite


Krause, K.M., Taschuk, M.T., Harris, K.D., Rider, D.A., Wakefield, N.G., Sit, J.C.,... Brett, M.J. (2010). Surface Area Characterization of Obliquely Deposited Metal Oxide Nanostructured Thin Films. Langmuir, 26(6), 4368-4376.


Krause, Kathleen M., et al. "Surface Area Characterization of Obliquely Deposited Metal Oxide Nanostructured Thin Films." Langmuir 26.6 (2010): 4368-4376.

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