Solvent-tuned hierarchical porosity in nitrocellulose aerogels.

Peterson GR, Cychosz KA, Thommes M, Hope-Weeks LJ (2012)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2012


Book Volume: 48

Pages Range: 11754-6

Journal Issue: 96

DOI: 10.1039/c2cc36071c


We describe the simple preparation of nitrocellulose gels and high surface area (300 + m(2) g(-1)) aerogels and their hierarchical pore structures. The solvent in which the gels form greatly influences the pore geometry and size distribution of the gels in both the macro- and mesopore domains.

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How to cite


Peterson, G.R., Cychosz, K.A., Thommes, M., & Hope-Weeks, L.J. (2012). Solvent-tuned hierarchical porosity in nitrocellulose aerogels. Chemical Communications, 48(96), 11754-6.


Peterson, Geneva R., et al. "Solvent-tuned hierarchical porosity in nitrocellulose aerogels." Chemical Communications 48.96 (2012): 11754-6.

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