Monitoring of Chemically Induced Colitis

Reissig S, Weigmann B (2017)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2017


Book Volume: 1559

Pages Range: 297-309

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6786-5_20


Inflammation is a common symptom of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Actually, many experimental models of colitis exist and try to mimic the human situation in order to understand the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. These experimental models of inflammation can be characterized by specific parameters, which illustrate the proceeding inflammatory process. By use of these models potentially new reagents for improved therapeutic approaches can be analyzed. Here, we describe the TNBS-mediated colitis model and specify different parameters for the detailed characterization of the inflammatory process in experimental colitis models.

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How to cite


Reissig, S., & Weigmann, B. (2017). Monitoring of Chemically Induced Colitis. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1559, 297-309.


Reissig, Sonja, and Benno Weigmann. "Monitoring of Chemically Induced Colitis." Methods in Molecular Biology 1559 (2017): 297-309.

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