Infection as a cause of childhood leukemia: virus detection employing whole genome sequencing

Bartenhagen C, Fischer U, Korn K, Pfister SM, Gombert M, Chen C, Okpanyi V, Hauer J, Rinaldi A, Bourquin JP, Eckert C, Hu J, Enßer A, Dugas M, Borkhardt A (2017)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2017


Book Volume: 102

Pages Range: e179-e183

Journal Issue: 5

DOI: 10.3324/haematol.2016.155382

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How to cite


Bartenhagen, C., Fischer, U., Korn, K., Pfister, S.M., Gombert, M., Chen, C.,... Borkhardt, A. (2017). Infection as a cause of childhood leukemia: virus detection employing whole genome sequencing. Haematologica, 102(5), e179-e183.


Bartenhagen, Christoph, et al. "Infection as a cause of childhood leukemia: virus detection employing whole genome sequencing." Haematologica 102.5 (2017): e179-e183.

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