Collaborative entrepreneurship for sustainability. Creating solutions in light of the UN sustainable development goals

Schaltegger S, Beckmann M, Hockerts K (2018)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2018


Book Volume: 10

Pages Range: 131-152

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1504/ijev.2018.092709

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Schaltegger, S., Beckmann, M., & Hockerts, K. (2018). Collaborative entrepreneurship for sustainability. Creating solutions in light of the UN sustainable development goals. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 10(2), 131-152.


Schaltegger, Stefan, Markus Beckmann, and Kai Hockerts. "Collaborative entrepreneurship for sustainability. Creating solutions in light of the UN sustainable development goals." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 10.2 (2018): 131-152.

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