Light chain proximal tubulopathy in the spectrumof B-cell dyscrasia induced renal disease

Buettner-Herold M, Chuva T, Minuth K, Pfister F, Daniel C, Klewer M, Buttner A, Ferrazzi F, Bertz S, Amann KU (2018)

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2018


Book Volume: 473

Pages Range: S15-S15

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Buettner-Herold, M., Chuva, T., Minuth, K., Pfister, F., Daniel, C., Klewer, M.,... Amann, K.U. (2018). Light chain proximal tubulopathy in the spectrumof B-cell dyscrasia induced renal disease. (pp. S15-S15).


Buettner-Herold, M., et al. "Light chain proximal tubulopathy in the spectrumof B-cell dyscrasia induced renal disease." 2018. S15-S15.

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