Petermann S, Kniesburges S, Ziethe A, Schützenberger A, Döllinger M (2016)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2016
DOI: 10.1155/2016/8469139
The human voice originates from oscillations of the vocal folds in the larynx. The duration of the voice onset (VO), called the voice onset time (VOT), is currently under investigation as a clinical indicator for correct laryngeal functionality. Different analytical approaches for computing the VOT based on endoscopic imaging were compared to determine the most reliable method to quantify automatically the transient vocal fold oscillations during VO. Transnasal endoscopic imaging in combination with a high-speed camera (8000 fps) was applied to visualize the phonation onset process. Two different definitions of VO interval were investigated. Six analytical functions were tested that approximate the envelope of the filtered or unfiltered glottal area waveform (GAW) during phonation onset. A total of 126 recordings from nine healthy males and 210 recordings from 15 healthy females were evaluated. Three criteria were analyzed to determine the most appropriate computation approach: (1) reliability of the fit function for a correct approximation of VO; (2) consistency represented by the standard deviation of VOT; and (3) accuracy of the approximation of VO. The results suggest the computation of VOT by a fourth-order polynomial approximation in the interval between 32.2 and 67.8% of the saturation amplitude of the filtered GAW.
Petermann, S., Kniesburges, S., Ziethe, A., Schützenberger, A., & Döllinger, M. (2016). Evaluation of Analytical Modeling Functions for the Phonation Onset Process. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.
Petermann, Simon, et al. "Evaluation of Analytical Modeling Functions for the Phonation Onset Process." Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2016).
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