Döllinger M, Gómez P, Patel RR, Alexiou C, Bohr C, Schützenberger A (2017)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2017
Book Volume: 12
Journal Issue: 11
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187486
MOTIVATION: Human voice is generated in the larynx by the two oscillating vocal folds. Owing to the limited space and accessibility of the larynx, endoscopic investigation of the actual phonatory process in detail is challenging. Hence the biomechanics of the human phonatory process are still not yet fully understood. Therefore, we adapt a mathematical model of the vocal folds towards vocal fold oscillations to quantify gender and age related differences expressed by computed biomechanical model parameters. METHODS: The vocal fold dynamics are visualized by laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy (4000 fps). A total of 33 healthy young subjects (16 females, 17 males) and 11 elderly subjects (5 females, 6 males) were recorded. A numerical two-mass model is adapted to the recorded vocal fold oscillations by varying model masses, stiffness and subglottal pressure. For adapting the model towards the recorded vocal fold dynamics, three different optimization algorithms (Nelder-Mead, Particle Swarm Optimization and Simulated Bee Colony) in combination with three cost functions were considered for applicability. Gender differences and age-related kinematic differences reflected by the model parameters were analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The biomechanical model in combination with numerical optimization techniques allowed phonatory behavior to be simulated and laryngeal parameters involved to be quantified. All three optimization algorithms showed promising results. However, only one cost function seems to be suitable for this optimization task. The gained model parameters reflect the phonatory biomechanics for men and women well and show quantitative age- and gender-specific differences. The model parameters for younger females and males showed lower subglottal pressures, lower stiffness and higher masses than the corresponding elderly groups. Females exhibited higher subglottal pressures, smaller oscillation masses and larger stiffness than the corresponding similar aged male groups. Optimizing numerical models towards vocal fold oscillations is useful to identify underlying laryngeal components controlling the phonatory process.
Döllinger, M., Gómez, P., Patel, R.R., Alexiou, C., Bohr, C., & Schützenberger, A. (2017). Biomechanical simulation of vocal fold dynamics in adults based on laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy. PLoS ONE, 12(11). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187486
Döllinger, Michael, et al. "Biomechanical simulation of vocal fold dynamics in adults based on laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy." PLoS ONE 12.11 (2017).
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