Heckel M, Stiel S, Herbst FA, Tiedtke J, Sturm A, Adelhardt T, Bogdan C, Sieber C, Schöffski O, Lang F, Ostgathe C (2018)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2018
Publisher: SPRINGER
Book Volume: 26
Pages Range: 3021-3027
Journal Issue: 9
DOI: 10.1007/s00520-018-4149-6
Purpose Palliative care professionals are frequently confronted with patients colonized or infected with MDRO. One major challenge is how to balance necessary isolation measures and social inclusion as one of the main principles of palliative and end-of-life care. To date, MDRO-specific policies and protocols vary widely between institutions. Aim: provide empirical recommendations on how to deal with hospitalized MDRO patients in end-of-life care.Methods Recommendations were developed based on (i) initial results of face-to-face interviews and focus groups, (ii) impartial experts' comments and consensus on the draft via online survey and (iii) a face-to-face meeting with consortium members to finalize recommendations. Findings of 158 interviews and six focus groups (39 participants) with patients, family caregivers, staff members and institutional stakeholders contributed to the recommendations. The assessments of 17 experts were considered.Results In total, 21 recommendations were approved. The recommended strategy in dealing with MDRO at the end of life allows case-based application of protection and isolation measures. MDRO diagnostics and therapy involve screening at admission. The recommendations suggest consideration of required accommodation facilities, provided material as well as staff and time resources. The recommendations further highlight the importance of providing for strategies enabling the patient's social inclusion and provision of verbal and written information about MDRO for patients and family caregivers, transparent medical documentation, and staff member training.Conclusion The recommendations summarize the perspectives of individuals and groups affected by MDRO at the end of life and provide practical guidance for clinical routine. Further dissemination and implementation requirements are discussed and should contain the evaluation of the knowledge, views, worries, and anxieties of the target groups.
Heckel, M., Stiel, S., Herbst, F.A., Tiedtke, J., Sturm, A., Adelhardt, T.,... Ostgathe, C. (2018). Multidrug-resistant bacterial microorganisms (MDRO) in end-of-life care: development of recommendations for hospitalized patients using a mixed-methods approach. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(9), 3021-3027. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-018-4149-6
Heckel, Maria, et al. "Multidrug-resistant bacterial microorganisms (MDRO) in end-of-life care: development of recommendations for hospitalized patients using a mixed-methods approach." Supportive Care in Cancer 26.9 (2018): 3021-3027.
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