Plettke R, Schaub A, Gröschel C, Scheitler CJ, Heinle M, Ranft F, Merklein M, Schmidt M, Drummer D (2014)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2014
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Edited Volumes: Key Engineering Materials
Book Volume: 611-612
Pages Range: 1468-1475
Conference Proceedings Title: Key Engineering Materials (Volumes 611 - 612)
Event location: Finnland
ISBN: 9783038351061
DOI: 10.4028/
Mixed-Materials parts have great light-weight potential for the automotive application to reduce the carbon footprint. But the joining of fibre composite plastic sheets to metal sheets is in practical application limited to adhesive bonding or mechanical joining with additional fastener elements due to the large differences in physical properties. A new process chain based on plastic joining without fastener elements is proposed and first results on the mechanism and on the achievable strength of the new joints are shown. The process chain consists of three steps: First joining pins are added to the sheet metal by an additive manufacturing process. In a second step these pins are pierced through the fibre composite sheet with a local heating of the thermoplastic in an overlap setup. In the third and last step the joint is created by forming the pins with the upsetting process to create a shape lock. The shear strength of the joined specimens was tested in a tensile testing machine. The paper shows that even with a non-optimized initial setup joints can be realised and that the new process chain is a possible alternative to adhesive bonding. © 2014 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Plettke, R., Schaub, A., Gröschel, C., Scheitler, C.J., Heinle, M., Ranft, F.,... Drummer, D. (2014). A new process chain for joining sheet metal to fibre composite sheets. In Key Engineering Materials (Volumes 611 - 612) (pp. 1468-1475). Finnland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Plettke, Raoul, et al. "A new process chain for joining sheet metal to fibre composite sheets." Proceedings of the Material Forming ESAFORM 2014, Finnland Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014. 1468-1475.
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