Sturm A, Ostgathe C, Stiel S, Heckel M, Herbst FA, Adelhardt T, Schöffski O, Bogdan C, Tiedtke J, Lang F, Sieber C (2018)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Publication year: 2018
Publisher: SPRINGER
Book Volume: 59
Pages Range: S76-S77
Sturm, A., Ostgathe, C., Stiel, S., Heckel, M., Herbst, F.A., Adelhardt, T.,... Sieber, C. (2018). Patients' views on the impact of multi-drug-resistant bacterial microorganisms (MDRO) in end-of-life care - A qualitative study using principles of Grounded Theory. (pp. S76-S77). SPRINGER.
Sturm, Alexander, et al. "Patients' views on the impact of multi-drug-resistant bacterial microorganisms (MDRO) in end-of-life care - A qualitative study using principles of Grounded Theory." SPRINGER, 2018. S76-S77.
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