Greifenstein J, Stingl M (2016)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Interesansa - zavod
Edited Volumes: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on additive technologies (iCAT 2016)
City/Town: Ljubljana
ISBN: 978-961-285-537-6
An important issue in additive manufacturing is
the reliability and reproducibility of parts. One major
problem in achieving this are uncontrolled local
variations in the obtained material properties which arise in the
complex manufacturing process and are usually not taken
into account in the design of components.
We consider the optimal layout of a part to withstand a
given loading, under the assumption that the local material
properties are not precisely known. The material
uncertainties are treated by a worst case approach. This
means that for each layout a given amount of defects in
material properties is distributed in the design domain, such
that the stiffness of the component is maximally weakened.
As a consequence, an optimization result is obtained which
is as insensitive as possible with respect to unknown
variations in the material parameters.
The general model is introduced and an algorithm for its solution using
gradient based methods is suggested. Finally,
numerical results are presented and discussed.
Greifenstein, J., & Stingl, M. (2016). Robust optimal component design unter consideration of local material defects. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on additive technologies (iCAT 2016). Ljubljana: Interesansa - zavod.
Greifenstein, Jannis, and Michael Stingl. "Robust optimal component design unter consideration of local material defects." Proceedings of the 6th international conference on additive technologies (iCAT 2016). Ljubljana: Interesansa - zavod, 2016.
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