Matten M (2018)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2018
Publisher: Iudicium
Edited Volumes: Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication
Pages Range: 411-428
Matten, M. (2018). Being Modern without the West? On the Futility of Self-Assertion in Chinese Thought. In Iwo Amelung und Joachim Kurtz (Eds.), Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication. (pp. 411-428). Iudicium.
Matten, Marc. "Being Modern without the West? On the Futility of Self-Assertion in Chinese Thought." Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication. Ed. Iwo Amelung und Joachim Kurtz, Iudicium, 2018. 411-428.
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