Neuhaus T, Schmiedeberg M, Löwen H (2013)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2013
Book Volume: 88
Journal Issue: 6
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062316
Using microscopic dynamical density functional theory, we calculate the dynamical formation of polycrystals by following the crystal growth around multiple crystalline seeds imposed to an undercooled fluid. Depending on the undercooling and the size ratio as well as the relative crystal orientation of two neighboring seeds, three possibilities of the final state emerge, namely no crystallization at all, formation of a monocrystal, or two crystallites separated by a curved grain boundary. Our results, which are obtained for two-dimensional hard disk systems using a fundamental-measure density functional, shed new light on the particle-resolved structure and growth of polycrystalline material in general.
Neuhaus, T., Schmiedeberg, M., & Löwen, H. (2013). Crystallization induced by multiple seeds: Dynamical density functional approach. Physical Review E, 88(6).
Neuhaus, Tim, Michael Schmiedeberg, and Hartmut Löwen. "Crystallization induced by multiple seeds: Dynamical density functional approach." Physical Review E 88.6 (2013).
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