Performance Measurement and Antecedents of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Assessment

Rättich G, Clark K, Hartmann E (2011)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2011

Publisher: Gabler

Edited Volumes: Four Essays on International Entrepreneurship

City/Town: Wiesbaden

Pages Range: 51 - 90

ISBN: 978-3-8349-6900-2


With the increasing importance of early internationalizing firms (EIFs), recent literature has shown a rapidly growing research interest in EIF performance. To enhance our understanding of what drives EIF performance, we conduct a systematic analysis of performance antecedents and performance measures in current empirical research. This method allows us to: (i) systematically analyze EIF literature to identify how performance has been examined empirically; (ii) methodically identify and synthesize the antecedents of performance in respect to EIFs’ specific resources, capabilities, and strategies; and (iii) to identify areas that are understudied. Based on the analysis, we make suggestions for future research.

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How to cite


Rättich, G., Clark, K., & Hartmann, E. (2011). Performance Measurement and Antecedents of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Assessment. In Four Essays on International Entrepreneurship. (pp. 51 - 90). Wiesbaden: Gabler.


Rättich, Gordian, K. Clark, and Evi Hartmann. "Performance Measurement and Antecedents of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Assessment." Four Essays on International Entrepreneurship. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2011. 51 - 90.

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