Arns CH, Knackstedt MA, Mecke K (2009)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2009
Book Volume: 80
Journal Issue: 5
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.051303
We show that for the Boolean model of random composite media one can, from a single image of a system at any particle fraction, define a set of parameters which allows one to accurately reconstruct the medium for all other phase fractions. The morphological characterization is based on a family of measures known in integral geometry which provides powerful formulas for the Boolean model. The percolation thresholds of either phase are obtained with good accuracy. From the reconstructions one can subsequently predict property curves for the material across all phase fractions from the single three-dimensional image. We illustrate this for transport and mechanical properties of complex Boolean systems and for experimental sandstone samples.
Arns, C.H., Knackstedt, M.A., & Mecke, K. (2009). Boolean reconstructions of complex materials: Integral geometric approach. Physical Review E, 80(5).
Arns, C. H., M. A. Knackstedt, and Klaus Mecke. "Boolean reconstructions of complex materials: Integral geometric approach." Physical Review E 80.5 (2009).
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