Genome-wide association study identifies 25 known breast cancer susceptibility loci as risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer

Purrington KS, Slager S, Eccles D, Yannoukakos D, Fasching PA, Miron P, Carpenter J, Chang-Claude J, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Kristensen V, Anton-Culver H, Goodfellow P, Tapper WJ, Rafiq S, Gerty SM, Durcan L, Konstantopoulou I, Fostira F, Vratimos A, Apostolou P, Konstanta I, Kotoula V, Lakis S, Dimopoulos MA, Skarlos D, Pectasides D, Fountzilas G, Beckmann M, Hein A, Ruebner M, Ekici AB, Hartmann A, Schulz-Wendtland R, Renner S, Janni W, Rack B, Scholz C, Neugebauer J, Andergassen U, Lux MP, Häberle L, Clarke C, Pathmanathan N, Rudolph A, Flesch-Janys D, Nickels S, Olson JE, Ingle JN, Olswold C, Slettedahl S, Eckel-Passow JE, Anderson SK, Visscher DW, Cafourek VL, Sicotte H, Prodduturi N, Weiderpass E, Bernstein L, Ziogas A, Ivanovich J, Giles GG, Baglietto L, Southey M, Kosma VM, Fischer HP, Reed MWR, Cross SS, Deming-Halverson S, Shrubsole M, Cai Q, Shu XO, Daly M, Weaver J, Ross E, Klemp J, Sharma P, Torres D, Rudiger T, Wolfing H, Ulmer HU, Forsti A, Khoury T, Kumar S, Pilarski R, Shapiro CL, Greco D, Heikkila P, Aittomaki K, Blomqvist C, Irwanto A, Liu J, Pankratz VS, Wang X, Severi G, Mannermaa A, Easton D, Hall P, Brauch H, Cox A, Zheng W, Godwin AK, Hamann U, Ambrosone C, Toland AE, Nevanlinna H, Vachon CM, Couch FJ (2014)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2014


Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy B - Oxford Open Option B

Book Volume: 35

Pages Range: 1012-9

Journal Issue: 5

DOI: 10.1093/carcin/bgt404


Triple-negative (TN) breast cancer is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer associated with a unique set of epidemiologic and genetic risk factors. We conducted a two-stage genome-wide association study of TN breast cancer (stage 1: 1529 TN cases, 3399 controls; stage 2: 2148 cases, 1309 controls) to identify loci that influence TN breast cancer risk. Variants in the 19p13.1 and PTHLH loci showed genome-wide significant associations (P < 5 × 10(-) (8)) in stage 1 and 2 combined. Results also suggested a substantial enrichment of significantly associated variants among the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) analyzed in stage 2. Variants from 25 of 74 known breast cancer susceptibility loci were also associated with risk of TN breast cancer (P < 0.05). Associations with TN breast cancer were confirmed for 10 loci (LGR6, MDM4, CASP8, 2q35, 2p24.1, TERT-rs10069690, ESR1, TOX3, 19p13.1, RALY), and we identified associations with TN breast cancer for 15 additional breast cancer loci (P < 0.05: PEX14, 2q24.1, 2q31.1, ADAM29, EBF1, TCF7L2, 11q13.1, 11q24.3, 12p13.1, PTHLH, NTN4, 12q24, BRCA2, RAD51L1-rs2588809, MKL1). Further, two SNPs independent of previously reported signals in ESR1 [rs12525163 odds ratio (OR) = 1.15, P = 4.9 × 10(-) (4)] and 19p13.1 (rs1864112 OR = 0.84, P = 1.8 × 10(-) (9)) were associated with TN breast cancer. A polygenic risk score (PRS) for TN breast cancer based on known breast cancer risk variants showed a 4-fold difference in risk between the highest and lowest PRS quintiles (OR = 4.03, 95% confidence interval 3.46-4.70, P = 4.8 × 10(-) (69)). This translates to an absolute risk for TN breast cancer ranging from 0.8% to 3.4%, suggesting that genetic variation may be used for TN breast cancer risk prediction.

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Mayo Clinic US United States (USA) (US) University of Southampton GB United Kingdom (GB) National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) "Demokritos" GR Greece (GR) University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) US United States (USA) (US) Dana–Farber Cancer Institute US United States (USA) (US) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR Greece (GR) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR Greece (GR) Universitätsklinikum Ulm DE Germany (DE) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) DE Germany (DE) University of Sydney (USYD) AU Australia (AU) Westmead Hospital AU Australia (AU) Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) DE Germany (DE) Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) DE Germany (DE) Universitetet i Tromsø / The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) NO Norway (NO) City of Hope Medical Center US United States (USA) (US) Washington University in St. Louis US United States (USA) (US) University of California Irvine US United States (USA) (US) Cancer Council Victoria AU Australia (AU) University of Sheffield GB United Kingdom (GB) The University of Melbourne AU Australia (AU) University of Eastern Finland FI Finland (FI) Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE Germany (DE) Vanderbilt University US United States (USA) (US) Fox Chase Cancer Center US United States (USA) (US) University of Pennsylvania US United States (USA) (US) University of Kansas (KU) US United States (USA) (US) Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe DE Germany (DE) Klinikum Mittelbaden Baden-Baden Balg DE Germany (DE) Lund University / Lunds universitet SE Sweden (SE) Roswell Park Cancer Institute US United States (USA) (US) Ohio State University US United States (USA) (US) Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki FI Finland (FI) Genome Institute of Singapore SG Singapore (SG) University of Cambridge GB United Kingdom (GB) Karolinska Institute SE Sweden (SE) Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus DE Germany (DE) QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute (früher: the Queensland Institute of Medical Research) AU Australia (AU) Oslo University Hospital / Oslo Universitetssykehus Rikshospitalet NO Norway (NO)

How to cite


Purrington, K.S., Slager, S., Eccles, D., Yannoukakos, D., Fasching, P.A., Miron, P.,... Couch, F.J. (2014). Genome-wide association study identifies 25 known breast cancer susceptibility loci as risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer. Carcinogenesis, 35(5), 1012-9.


Purrington, Kristen S., et al. "Genome-wide association study identifies 25 known breast cancer susceptibility loci as risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer." Carcinogenesis 35.5 (2014): 1012-9.

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