Schmidt M, Gausemeier J, Leyens C, Anderl R, Winzer P, Schmid HJ, Seliger G, Straube F, Kohlhuber M, Kage M, Karg M (2017)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Other publication type, Stellungnahme
Publication year: 2017
Publisher: acatech – Natonal Academy of Science and Engineering (lead insttuton) acatech Ofce: Karolinenplatz 4, 80333 München German Natonal Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale) Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanites Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2, 55131 Mainz
City/Town: München
Pages Range: 1-60
ISBN: 978-3-8047-3677-1
One signifcant development in the field of Additve Manufacturing is process chain digitalisaton, which is spurring the development of new business models and services. Online platforms make it possible to establish a marketplace e.g. for 3D CAD models, material formulae
and process parameters which can be obtained either via a one-off download and purchase
or via a streaming subscripton in much the same way as digital music or flms. However, a
number of data security, copyright and standardisaton issues stll need to be resolved. Internatonal norms are also currently lagging behind the reality on the ground. A great many
different Additve Manufacturing technologies now exist side by side, the terminology employed is ofen unclear and various trademarked names are used for processes that are in
some cases identcal. Additve Manufacturing also has the potental to support resource effciency in future industrial producton, although more stll needs to be done to assess its
economic, environmental and societal impacts in a holistc manner.
Additve Manufacturing will not revolutonise industrial producton. However, there is good
reason to believe that it will augment established methods in many different areas. In order to fully leverage the technology’s economic and environmental potental for the German
economy, it will be necessary to take concerted acton in the areas of research, implementaton, educaton and funding:
1) In order to improve the productvity of Additve Manufacturing and reduce its drawbacks
compared to conventonal manufacturing technologies, research should be conducted
into producton processes, materials and part propertes, with the results being fed back
into the systems engineering process.
2) In order to make full use of the new design flexibility opportunites, systematc research
should be carried out with a view to producing concrete design guidelines covering all
the different Additve Manufacturing technologies.
3) Develop new data formats for Additve Manufacturing as soon as possible.
4) Analyse the ways in which Additve Manufacturing could potentally change and impact
on value networks, the economy and society as a whole.
5) Standardise the three data sets of digital 3D geometries, material formulae and process
6) Additve Manufacturing requires dedicated quality assurance methods and processes.
7) Accelerate the implementaton of basic research in industrial applicatons.
8) Strategies are needed for integratng Additve Manufacturing with widespread conventonal manufacturing systems.
9) Creaton of decision-making tools capable of meetng future strategic planning challenges in connecton with Additve Manufacturing.
10) Stmulate and support a dynamic start-up scene in order to leverage Additve Manufacturing’s high potental for innovaton.
11) Augment traditonal occupatonal profles for skilled workers with new skills for Additve
Manufacturing technologies.
12) Make use of Additve Manufacturing’s potental for teaching STEM subjects in schools.
13) Establish a research programme geared towards implementaton of the dual strategy of
securing Germany’s positon as a leading Additve Manufacturing supplier and market.
Schmidt, M., Gausemeier, J., Leyens, C., Anderl, R., Winzer, P., Schmid, H.-J.,... Karg, M. (2017). Additive Manufacturing. München: acatech – Natonal Academy of Science and Engineering (lead insttuton) acatech Ofce: Karolinenplatz 4, 80333 München German Natonal Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale) Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanites Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2, 55131 Mainz.
Schmidt, Michael, et al. Additive Manufacturing. München: acatech – Natonal Academy of Science and Engineering (lead insttuton) acatech Ofce: Karolinenplatz 4, 80333 München German Natonal Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale) Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanites Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2, 55131 Mainz, 2017.
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