Drummer D, Vittinghoff J (2011)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2011
Pages Range: 1-2
Conference Proceedings Title: 17. Nationales Symposium
Event location: Aachen
Drummer, D., & Vittinghoff, J. (2011). Piezoaktive Faserverbundbauteile - Health Monitoring an verbundspritzgegossenen Sandwichstrukturen. In 17. Nationales Symposium (pp. 1-2). Aachen.
Drummer, Dietmar, and Jörg Vittinghoff. "Piezoaktive Faserverbundbauteile - Health Monitoring an verbundspritzgegossenen Sandwichstrukturen." Proceedings of the 17. Nationales Symposiu, Sampe, Aachen 2011. 1-2.
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