Brendel J, Rieß S, Stöckle A, Rummel R, Rose R, Fischer G (2012)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2012
Publisher: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Communication Engineering Lab
Pages Range: 137-142
Conference Proceedings Title: 7th Workshop on Software Radios (WSR)
Event location: Karlsruhe, DE
This paper is about a Spectrum Sensing Network (SSN) which generates an accurate radio environment map (e.g. power over frequency, time, and location) from a given application area. It is intended to be used in combination with cognitive Program Making and Special Events (PMSE) devices (e.g. wireless microphones). It consists of a distributed network of multiple scanning radio receivers and a central data management and storage unit. The parts of the SSN are presented in detail and the advantages and the use cases of such a sensing network structure are outlined.
Brendel, J., Rieß, S., Stöckle, A., Rummel, R., Rose, R., & Fischer, G. (2012). A Spectrum Sensing Network for Cognitive PMSE Systems. In 7th Workshop on Software Radios (WSR) (pp. 137-142). Karlsruhe, DE: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Communication Engineering Lab.
Brendel, Johannes, et al. "A Spectrum Sensing Network for Cognitive PMSE Systems." Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Software Radios (WSR), Karlsruhe, DE Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Communication Engineering Lab, 2012. 137-142.
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