Low-valent iron: an Fe(I) ate compound as a building block for a linear trinuclear Fe cluster

Lichtenberg C, Viciu L, Vogt M, Rodriguez-Lugo RE, Adelhardt M, Sutter J, Khusniyarov M, Meyer K, De Bruin B, Bill E, Gruetzmacher H (2015)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Book Volume: 51

Pages Range: 13890-13893

DOI: 10.1039/c5cc04908c


A low-valent trinuclear iron complex with an unusual linear Fe(I)-Fe(II)-Fe(I) unit is presented. It is accessed in a rational approach using a salt metathesis reaction between a new anionic Fe(I) containing heterocycle and FeCl2. Its electronic structure was studied by single crystal XRD analysis, EPR and Mossbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic susceptibility measurements.

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How to cite


Lichtenberg, C., Viciu, L., Vogt, M., Rodriguez-Lugo, R.E., Adelhardt, M., Sutter, J.,... Gruetzmacher, H. (2015). Low-valent iron: an Fe(I) ate compound as a building block for a linear trinuclear Fe cluster. Chemical Communications, 51, 13890-13893. https://doi.org/10.1039/c5cc04908c


Lichtenberg, C., et al. "Low-valent iron: an Fe(I) ate compound as a building block for a linear trinuclear Fe cluster." Chemical Communications 51 (2015): 13890-13893.

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