Roth M, Fauster T, Weinelt M (2007)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2007
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Book Volume: 88
Pages Range: 497-503
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-007-4044-3
Image-potential states on several stepped copper surfaces were studied by time, energy, and angle-resolved two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy. For different step densities binding energies and effective masses were determined in the energy-resolved and decay rates in the time-resolved mode of two-photon photoemission. The asymmetry with respect to the electron motion up or down the steps of the total decay rates is enhanced for less-ordered step arrangements. Elastic interband scattering strongly depends on details of the backfolding of the bands by the periodic step structure. Elastic intraband scattering is of similar importance as inelastic decay may contribute significantly to the asymmetry of the decay rates.
Roth, M., Fauster, T., & Weinelt, M. (2007). Scattering of electrons in image-potential states by steps. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 88, 497-503.
Roth, Manfred, Thomas Fauster, and Martin Weinelt. "Scattering of electrons in image-potential states by steps." Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 88 (2007): 497-503.
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