Impaired T-bet-pSTAT1? and perforin-mediated immune responses in the tumoral region of lung adenocarcinoma

Andreev K, Trufa D, Siegemund R, Rieker R, Hartmann A, Schmidt J, Sirbu H, Finotto S (2015)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Book Volume: 113

Pages Range: 902-13

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2015.255


In spite of modern therapies for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), prognosis for many patients is still poor and survival rates are low. Immunotherapy is the possibility to improve the lung immune response surrounding the tumour. However, this approach requires detailed understanding of the local immune-responses of NSCLC patients.We analysed samples from three different regions within the lungs of NSCLC patients, whereas we distinguished between patients suffering from adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Expression of type 1 T helper (Th1)/type 1 cytotoxic (Tc1) factors was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR, western blot analyses or immunohistochemistry. Cytotoxic cell activity of CD8(+) T cells was determined via co-culture with autologous tumour cells and apoptosis assay.We found decreased levels of the transcription factor T-box expressed in T cells (T-bet or Tbx21) and of the downstream activated IFN-?-dependent pSTAT1? isoform in the lung tumour areas of patients with NSCLC as compared with tumour-free control regions. In these patients, reduced T-bet and pSTAT1? levels were found associated with increased immunosuppressive markers like cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4, programmed cell death 1 and with a suppression of the Th1 cell cytokine production and Tc1 cell activity.These findings confirm a central role of T-bet in targeted immunotherapy for patients with NSCLC.

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How to cite


Andreev, K., Trufa, D., Siegemund, R., Rieker, R., Hartmann, A., Schmidt, J.,... Finotto, S. (2015). Impaired T-bet-pSTAT1? and perforin-mediated immune responses in the tumoral region of lung adenocarcinoma. British Journal of Cancer, 113(6), 902-13.


Andreev, Katerina, et al. "Impaired T-bet-pSTAT1? and perforin-mediated immune responses in the tumoral region of lung adenocarcinoma." British Journal of Cancer 113.6 (2015): 902-13.

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