Quadratic maps without asymptotic measure

Hofbauer F, Keller G (1990)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 1990


Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Book Volume: 127

Pages Range: 319--337

Journal Issue: 2

URI: http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.cmp/1104180141

DOI: 10.1007/BF02096761


An interval map is said to have an asymptotic measure if the time averages of the iterates of Lebesgue measure converge weakly. We construct quadratic maps which have no asymptotic measure. We also find examples of quadratic maps which have an asymptotic measure with very unexpected properties, e.g. a map with the point mass on an unstable fix point as asymptotic measure. The key to our construction is a new characterization of kneading sequences.

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How to cite


Hofbauer, F., & Keller, G. (1990). Quadratic maps without asymptotic measure. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 127(2), 319--337. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02096761


Hofbauer, Franz, and Gerhard Keller. "Quadratic maps without asymptotic measure." Communications in Mathematical Physics 127.2 (1990): 319--337.

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