Hardware Realization of a 2 m x 1 m Fully Electronic Real-Time mm-WaveImaging System

Schiessl A, Genghammer A, Ahmed SS, Schmidt LP (2012)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2012

Event location: Nuremberg DE

ISBN: 978-3-8007-3404-7


A first generation of active mm-wave imaging devices is nowadays commercially available for industrial and security applications. Mostly, these systems use mechanical scanning to reduce channel count. The availability of state-of-the-art semiconductor technology enables reliably building high-channel-count fully electronic mm-wave imaging systems at E-Band frequencies, including parallel signal processing. Without the need for mechanical scanning, true real-time operation becomes possible. This work describes a prototype of such an imaging system for personnel screening applications. For the first time, hardware that is capable of capturing full 2 m × 1 m images of living persons in the 80 GHz region in real-time is demonstrated. An overview of the imaging system is given including detailed hardware description. The measurement flow is explained and the underlying link budget is derived.

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How to cite


Schiessl, A., Genghammer, A., Ahmed, S.S., & Schmidt, L.-P. (2012). Hardware Realization of a 2 m x 1 m Fully Electronic Real-Time mm-WaveImaging System. In Proceedings of the EURSAR 2012. Nuremberg, DE.


Schiessl, A., et al. "Hardware Realization of a 2 m x 1 m Fully Electronic Real-Time mm-WaveImaging System." Proceedings of the EURSAR 2012, Nuremberg 2012.

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