Cytokine-dependent regulation of dendritic cell differentiation in the splenic microenvironment

Globisch T, Steiner N, Fuelle L, Lukacs-Kornek V, Degrandi D, Dresing P, Alferink J, Lang R, Pfeffer K, Beyer M, Weighardt H, Kurts C, Ulas T, Schultze JL, Foerster I (2014)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2014


Book Volume: 44

Pages Range: 500-10

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1002/eji.201343820


The DC-derived chemokine CCL17, a ligand of CCR4, has been shown to promote various inflammatory diseases such as atopic dermatitis, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Under steady-state conditions, and even after systemic stimulation with LPS, CCL17 is not expressed in resident splenic DCs as opposed to CD8?(-) CD11b(+) LN DCs, which produce large amounts of CCL17 in particular after maturation. Upon systemic NKT cell activation through ?-galactosylceramide stimulation however, CCL17 can be upregulated in both CD8?(-) and CD8?(+) splenic DC subsets and enhances cross-presentation of exogenous antigens. Based on genome-wide expression profiling, we now show that splenic CD11b(+) DCs are susceptible to IFN-?-mediated suppression of CCL17, whereas LN CD11b(+) CCL17(+) DCs downregulate the IFN-?R and are much less responsive to IFN-?. Under inflammatory conditions, particularly in the absence of IFN-? signaling in IFN-?RKO mice, CCL17 expression is strongly induced in a major proportion of splenic DCs by the action of GM-CSF in concert with IL-4. Our findings demonstrate that the local cytokine milieu and differential cytokine responsiveness of DC subsets regulate lymphoid organ specific immune responses at the level of chemokine expression.

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How to cite


Globisch, T., Steiner, N., Fuelle, L., Lukacs-Kornek, V., Degrandi, D., Dresing, P.,... Foerster, I. (2014). Cytokine-dependent regulation of dendritic cell differentiation in the splenic microenvironment. European Journal of Immunology, 44(2), 500-10.


Globisch, Theresa, et al. "Cytokine-dependent regulation of dendritic cell differentiation in the splenic microenvironment." European Journal of Immunology 44.2 (2014): 500-10.

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