Wolz F, Sahlmann H (2015)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Thesis
Publication year: 2015
String theory is one of the candidates for a theory that not only describes the nature of gravity at microscopic scales but also unites all fundamental forces into one common framework. This is possible by the simple assumption that all matter is given by small one-dimensional objects – strings – that may be open or closed.
Yet, an analysis of the theory suggests that in the quantum formulation the diffeomorphism in- variance of the theory seems to be broken in the sense that the constraints that generate the diffeomorphisms are only implemented weakly. Since the constraint algebra is the 1+1 dimen- sional version of the Dirac hypersurface deformation algebra of general relativity, the idea is that the physical subspace that corresponds to the kernel of the constraints are the diffeomorphism invariant states.
We therefore analyze the role of the hypersurface deformation algebra in the standard quantization of the bosonic string in further detail. It turns out that the spatial diffeomorphism constraint is anomaly-free, however, one also obtains that neither the physical states of the theory lie in the kernel of these constraints nor do they create physical states.
We analyze the action of the constraints in terms of the oscillations on the strings with an eye towards implementing spatial diffeos strongly. It turns out that the action is so complicated that we were unable to nd solutions.
Therefore, in a second part of the work we focus on a construction of a manifest diffeomorphism invariant quantization of the string in the spirit of previous work by Thiemann, i.e. the states are independent of the chosen parametrization. With the help of the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal construc- tion we obtain a Hilbert space and discuss a concrete representation that excites distinct points on the string. In the end we obtain a Fock space for a subalgebra of the mentioned representation and start a discussion of the diffeomorphism constraint and the mass within our framework.
The bosonic string also is a model for the hypersurface deformation algebra in loop quantum gravity and the issues of anomaly freeness. Thus our work might shed light on associated questions
Wolz, F., & Sahlmann, H. (2015). On spatially diffeomorphism invariant quantizations of the bosonic string (Master thesis).
Wolz, Florian, and Hanno Sahlmann. On spatially diffeomorphism invariant quantizations of the bosonic string. Master thesis, 2015.
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