Gevorgyan SA, Medford AJ, Bundgaard E, Sapkota SB, Schleiermacher HF, Zimmermann B, Wuerfel U, Chafiq A, Lira-Cantu M, Swonke T, Wagner M, Haillant OO, Voroshazi E, Aernouts T, Steim R, Hauch JA, Elschner A, Pannone M, Xiao M, Langzettel A, Laird D, Lloyd MT, Rath T, Maier E, Trimmel G, Hermenau M, Menke T, Leo K, Roesch R, Seeland M, Hoppe H, Nagle TJ, Burke KB, Fell CJ, Vak D, Singh TB, Watkins SE, Galagan Y, Manor A, Katz EA, Kim T, Kim K, Sommeling PM, Verhees WJH, Veenstra SC, Riede M, Christoforo MG, Currier T, Shrotriya V, Schwartz G, Krebs FC, Brabec C (2011)
Publication Language: English
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2011
Book Volume: 95
Pages Range: 1398-1416
Journal Issue: 5
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2011.01.010
A large number of flexible polymer solar modules comprising 16 serially connected individual cells was prepared at the experimental workshop at Risø DTU. The photoactive layer was prepared from several varieties of P3HT (Merck, Plextronics, BASF and Risø DTU) and two varieties of ZnO (nanoparticulate, thin film) were employed as electron transport layers. The devices were all tested at Risø DTU and the functional devices were subjected to an inter-laboratory study involving the performance and the stability of modules over time in the dark, under light soaking and outdoor conditions. 24 laboratories from 10 countries and across four different continents were involved in the studies. The reported results allowed for analysis of the variability between different groups in performing lifetime studies as well as performing a comparison of different testing procedures. These studies constitute the first steps toward establishing standard procedures for an OPV lifetime characterization. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gevorgyan, S.A., Medford, A.J., Bundgaard, E., Sapkota, S.B., Schleiermacher, H.-F., Zimmermann, B.,... Brabec, C. (2011). An inter-laboratory stability study of roll-to-roll coated flexible polymer solar modules. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(5), 1398-1416.
Gevorgyan, Suren A., et al. "An inter-laboratory stability study of roll-to-roll coated flexible polymer solar modules." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95.5 (2011): 1398-1416.
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