Döhler G, Renner F, Klar O, Eckardt M, Schwanhäußer A, Malzer S, Driscoll D, Hanson M, Gossard A, Loata g, Löffler T, Roskos H (2005)
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2005
Original Authors: Dohler G.H., Renner F., Klar O., Eckardt M., Schwanhausser A., Malzer S., Driscoll D., Hanson M., Gossard A.C., Loata G., Loffler T., Roskos H.
Publisher: Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access
Book Volume: 20
Journal Issue: 7
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/20/7/007
We report on a novel concept for THz photomixers with high conversion efficiency up to several THz. In contrast to the conventional pin photomixer we can overcome the trade-off between either optimizing transit-time or RC-roll-off. Using quasi-ballistic transport in nano-pin-diodes the transport path can be optimized regarding both path length and transit time. Independently, the capacitance can be kept small by using a sufficiently large number of optimized nano-pin-diodes in series. The concept is presented in detail and first experimental results are reported which corroborate our theoretical expectations. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Döhler, G., Renner, F., Klar, O., Eckardt, M., Schwanhäußer, A., Malzer, S.,... Roskos, H. (2005). THz-photomixer based on quasi-ballistic transport. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 20(7). https://doi.org/10.1088/0268-1242/20/7/007
Döhler, Gottfried, et al. "THz-photomixer based on quasi-ballistic transport." Semiconductor Science and Technology 20.7 (2005).
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