Linz S, Will C, Lurz F, Lindner S, Mann S, Schober R, Weigel R, Kölpin A (2017)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Publication year: 2017
Publisher: IEEE
Pages Range: 19-22
DOI: 10.1109/WISNET.2017.7878745
This paper presents an in-situ detector characterization and calibration method for differential I/Q Sixport radar systems. A separate calibration of the nonlinear detectors and the linear Six-port front-end enables an independent analysis of errors caused by detector nonlinearity and by the measurement scenario. A linearity analysis of various detectors in Six-port radar systems shows the necessity of a detector calibration for accurate displacement measurements. The calibration is evaluated with three different Six-port front-ends at 24 GHz in divers measurement scenarios. An error reduction of up to 50% has been achieved.
Linz, S., Will, C., Lurz, F., Lindner, S., Mann, S., Schober, R.,... Kölpin, A. (2017). Detector Nonlinearity in Six-Port Radar. In Proceedings of the IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (pp. 19-22). Phoenix, AZ, US: IEEE.
Linz, Sarah, et al. "Detector Nonlinearity in Six-Port Radar." Proceedings of the IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks, Phoenix, AZ IEEE, 2017. 19-22.
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