Language and communication in the Latin West

Ferrari M (2006)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2006

Publisher: -

Edited Volumes: Language of religion - language of the people. Medieval Judiaism, Christianity and Islam

Series: MittelalterStudien des Instituts zur Interdisziplinären Erforschung des Mittelalters und seines Nachwirkens

City/Town: München

Book Volume: 11

Pages Range: 205-217

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Ferrari, M. (2006). Language and communication in the Latin West. In Language of religion - language of the people. Medieval Judiaism, Christianity and Islam. (pp. 205-217). München: -.


Ferrari, Michele. "Language and communication in the Latin West." Language of religion - language of the people. Medieval Judiaism, Christianity and Islam. München: -, 2006. 205-217.

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