Gröschel C, Drummer D (2014)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2014
Publisher: Carl Hanser Verlag
Book Volume: 5
Pages Range: 660-668
Thermoplastic matrix composites enable production in short cycle times suitable for high volume production of lightweight design parts. While heating fully consolidated semi-finished products (“organo-sheets”) internal stresses from their production emerge, thus causing voids. Such de-consolidation must be undone or obviated for void-free parts. In this article the influence of moisture and the laminate setup on the deconsolidation behavior of twill-weave PA6/GF laminates is investigated. The results show that moisture leads to a higher void content during de-consolidation. The laminate setup in terms of fiber-volume content preponderances the influence of moisture on the de-consolidation.
Gröschel, C., & Drummer, D. (2014). The Influence of Moisture and Laminate Setup on the De-Consolidation Behavior of PA6/GF Thermoplastic Matrix Composites. International Polymer Processing, 5, 660-668.
Gröschel, Christian, and Dietmar Drummer. "The Influence of Moisture and Laminate Setup on the De-Consolidation Behavior of PA6/GF Thermoplastic Matrix Composites." International Polymer Processing 5 (2014): 660-668.
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